Click the links to listen to our sermons. NOTE: Some of these recordings may not play correctly
on a phone in speaker mode. If so, please use headphones/earbuds.
Please also see the below links for past and future live streams of our services:
YouTube Live Stream of The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 3/30/2025
YouTube Live Stream of The Third Lenten Midweek, 3/26/2025
March 23, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Lent (Luke 11:14-28) "Jesus and the Finger of God"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday in Lent, 3/23/2025
March 19, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Second Lenten Midweek (Luke 13:31-35) "Enemies of the Cross"
YouTube recording of The Second Lenten Midweek, 3/19/2025
March 16, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Lent (Matthew 15:21-28) "Persistence in Prayer"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday in Lent, 3/16/2025
March 12, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The First Lenten Midweek (Mark 1:9-15) "Lead Me Not Into Temptation"
YouTube recording of The First Lenten Midweek, 3/12/2025
March 9, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Lent (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Three Temptations of Christ"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday in Lent, 3/9/2025
March 5, 2025 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matt. 6:1–6, 16–21) "Private Acts of Religion"
YouTube recording of Ash Wednesday, 3/5/2025
March 2, 2025 Readings and Sermon for Quinquagesima (Luke 18:31-43) "The Prophets' Hope Fulfilled"
YouTube recording of Quinquagesima, 3/2/2025
February 23, 2025 Readings and Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 8:4-15) "The Word Grows the Church"
YouTube recording of Sexagesima, 2/23/2025
February 16, 2025 Readings and Sermon for Septuagesima (Matthew 20:1-16) "We are Equal in the Church"
YouTube recording of Septuagesima, 2/16/2025
February 9, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9) "Who Was That Guy Anyway?"
YouTube recording of The Transfiguration of Our Lord, 2/9/2025
February 2, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord (Luke 2:22-40) "A Savior Like Us"
YouTube recording of The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord, 2/2/2025
January 26, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday after Epiphany (Matthew 8:1-13) "Many Will Come from the East and the West"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday after The Epiphany, 1/26/2025
January 19, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday after Epiphany (John 2:1-11) "The Wedding at Cana"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday after The Epiphany, 1/19/2025
January 12, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 2:22-40) "The Child Prodigy Jesus"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday after The Epiphany, 1/12/2025
January 6, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of Our Lord (Matthew 2:1-12) "A Ruler to Shepherd God's People"
YouTube recording of The Epiphany of Our Lord, 1/6/2025
January 5, 2025 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After Christmas (Matthew 2:1-12) "A Ruler to Shepherd God's People"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday after Christmas, 1/5/2025
December 29, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday After Christmas (Luke 2:22-40) "Dismiss Me, Your Servant"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday After Christmas, 12/29/2024
December 25, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Day (John 1:1-18) "The Joy of Christmas"
YouTube recording of Christmas Day, 12/25/2024
December 24, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Eve (Matthew 1:18-25) "His Name Says Why"
YouTube recording of Christmas Eve, 12/24/2024
December 22, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Advent (John 1:19-28) "A Prophet Like No Other"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday in Advent, 12/22/2024
December 18, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Advent Midweek (Luke 7:19-28) "God's Kingdom is Here"
YouTube recording of The Third Advent Midweek, 12/18/2024
December 15, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-11) "The Dawn of the New Age"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday in Advent, 12/15/2024
December 11, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Advent Midweek (Luke 3:1-20) "The Word of God Came to John"
YouTube recording of The Second Advent Midweek, 12/11/2024
December 8, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 21:25-36) "Watch for the Signs"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday in Advent, 12/8/2024
December 4, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The First Advent Midweek (Luke 19:28-40) "Jesus Comes for You"
YouTube recording of The First Advent Midweek, 12/4/2024
December 1, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-9) "Jesus Became Like Us"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday in Advent, 12/1/2024
November 28, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Thanksgiving (Luke 17:11-19) "Now Thank We All Our God"
YouTube recording of Thanksgiving, 11/28/2024
November 24, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Last Sunday of the Church Year (Mark 13:24-37) "Are You Ready for the End?"
YouTube recording of The Last Sunday of the Church Year, 11/24/2024
November 17, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 13:1-13) "Things are Not What They Seem"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, 11/17/2024
November 10, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 12:38-44) "The Scribes and a Poor Widow"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, 11/10/2024
November 3, 2024 Readings and Sermon for All Saints Day (observed) (Matthew 5:1-12) "The Blessed and Their Kingdom"
YouTube recording of All Saints Day (observed), 11/3/2024
October 27, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (observed) (John 8:31-36) "A People of the Word"
YouTube recording of Reformation Day (observed), 10/27/2024
October 20, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 10:23-31) "Entering the Kingdom of God"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost, 10/20/2024
October 13, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
YouTube recording of The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost, 10/13/2024
October 6, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 10:2-16) "The Two Shall Become One Flesh"
YouTube recording of The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/6/2024
September 29, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 9:38-50) "Don't Be a Cause of Sin"
YouTube recording of The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/29/2024
September 22, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 9:30-37) "Who Is the Greatest?"
YouTube recording of The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/22/2024
September 15, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 9:14-29) "Take Up the Whole Armor of God"
YouTube recording of The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/15/2024
September 8, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 7:24-37) "Jesus Has Done All Things Well"
YouTube recording of The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/8/2024
September 1, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 7:14-23) "Cleanliness and Godliness"
YouTube recording of The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/1/2024
August 25, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 7:1-13) "Divine and Human Doctrine"
YouTube recording of The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/25/2024
August 18, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost (John 5:51-69)
YouTube recording of The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/18/2024
August 11, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost (John 6:35-51) "Energy Everlasting"
YouTube recording of The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/11/2024
August 4, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost (John 6:22-35) "Strive to Get the Eternal Bread"
YouTube recording of The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, 8/4/2024
YouTube recording of The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/28/24/2024
July 21, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 6:30-44) "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
YouTube recording of The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/21/2024
July 14, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 6:14-29) "Off with His Head!"
YouTube recording of The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/14/2024
July 7, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 6:1-13) "A Lesson in Unbelief"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, 7/7/2024
June 30, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 5:21-43) "Your Final Wakeup Call"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, 6/30/2024
June 23, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 4:35-41) "Jesus is in the Boat with You"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, 6/23/2024
June 16, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 6/16/2024
June 9, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday After Pentecost
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday after Pentecost, 6/9/2024
June 2, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 2:23 - 3:6) "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday after Pentecost, 6/2/2024
May 26, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Holy Trinity (John 3:1-17) "Whoever Believes in Jesus has Eternal Life"
YouTube recording of The Holy Trinity, 5/26/2024
May 19, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Day of Pentecost (John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15) "Our Advocate - The Holy Spirit"
YouTube recording of The Day of Pentecost, 5/19/2024
May 12, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:11b-19) "Jesus Gives Us God's Name and God's Word"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday of Easter, 5/12/2024
May 9, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:44-53) "Jesus Ascends"
YouTube recording of The Acension of Our Lord, 5/9/2024
May 5, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 15:9-17) "Abiding in Jesus' Love"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5/5/2024
April 28, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 15:1-8) "You Are the Branches"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday of Easter, 4/28/2024
April 21, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:11-18) "Hearing Jesus' Voice"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday of Easter, 4/21/2024
April 14, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday of Easter (Luke 24:36-49)
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday of Easter, 4/14/2024
April 7, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday of Easter (John 20:19-31) "Jesus Sends His Peace"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday of Easter, 4/7/2024
March 31, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord (Mark 16:1-8) "He Rose for You"
YouTube recording of The Resurrection of Our Lord, 3/31/2024
March 29, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 19:17-30) "Your Debt Has Been Paid"
YouTube recording of Good Friday, 3/29/2024
March 28, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (Mark 14:12-26) "The Sacrament of the New Covenant"
YouTube recording of Maundy Thursday, 3/28/2024
March 24, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday (John 12:20-43) "What Kind of King is This?"
YouTube recording of Palm Sunday, 3/24/2024
March 20, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (John 8:42-59) "Do You Hear the Word of God?"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers, 3/20/2024
March 17, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday in Lent (Mark 10:32-45) "Inheriting the Kingdom of Heaven"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday in Lent, 3/17/2024
March 13, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (John 6:1-15) "Feeding Five Thousand"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers, 3/13/2024
March 10, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Lent (John 3:15-21) "Why Jesus Came to Earth"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 3/10/2024
March 6, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Luke 11:14-28) "Man Between God and the Devil"
YouTube recording of The Third Mid-Week Lenten Vespers, 3/6/2024
March 3, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Lent (John 2:13-25) "Our Father's House"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday in Lent, 3/3/2024
February 28, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 15:21-28) "Crumbs from the Heavenly Banquet"
YouTube recording of The Second Mid-Week Lenten Vespers, 2/28/2024
February 25, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Lent (Mark 8:27-38) "Are You Ashamed of Jesus?"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday in Lent, 2/25/2024
February 21, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The First Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Temptation of Jesus"
YouTube recording of The First Mid-Week Lenten Vespers, 2/21/2024
February 18, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Lent (Mark 1:9-15) "Lead Us Not Into Temptation"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday in Lent, 2/18/2024
February 14, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "Fasting in the Right Way"
YouTube recording of Ash Wednesday, 2/14/2024
February 11, 2024 Readings and Sermon for Transfiguration of Our Lord (Mark 9:2-9) "The Trinity, Jesus' Glory, Our Hope"
YouTube recording of The Transfiguration of Our Lord, 2/11/2024
February 4, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (Mark 1:29-39) "Jesus Came to Preach the Kingdom"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, 2/4/2024
January 28, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (Mark 1:21-28) "The Holy One of God"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, 1/28/2024
January 21, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Mark 1:14-20) "The Kingdom of God is Near!"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday after the Epiphany, 1/21/2024
January 14, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday after the Epiphany (John 1:43-51) "Rabbi, You Are the Son of God"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday after the Epiphany, 1/14/2024
January 7, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Baptism of Our Lord (Mark 1:4-11) "God's Beloved Son"
YouTube recording of The Baptism of Our Lord, 1/7/2024
January 6, 2024 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of Our Lord (Matthew 2:1-12) "Skywatchers and Kings"
YouTube recording of The Epiphany of Our Lord, 1/6/2024
December 31, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday after Christmas (Luke 2:22-40) "One that Causes Offense"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday after Christmas, 12/31/2023
December 25, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Day (John 1:18-25) "Glory Full of Grace and Truth"
YouTube recording of Christms Day, 12/25/2023
December 24, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols (Matthew 1:18-25) "Our Savior is Born"
YouTube recording of Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols, 12/24/2023
December 24, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Advent (Luke 1:26-38) "With God Nothing is Impossible"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday in Advent, 12/24/2023
December 20, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Advent Midweek (Matthew 11:2-11) "Are You Offended at Jesus?"
YouTube recording of The Third Advent Midweek, 12/20/2023
December 17, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Advent (John 1:6-8, 19-28) "The Witness to the Light"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday in Advent, 12/17/2023
December 13, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Advent Midweek (Luke 21:25-36) "Watch for the Blossoms!"
YouTube recording of The Second Advent Midweek, 12/13/2023
December 10, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Advent (Mark 1:1-8) "The Beginning of the Gospel"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday in Advent, 12/10/2023
December 6, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The First Advent Midweek (Matthew 21:1-9) "Your King Comes!"
YouTube recording of The First Advent Midweek, 12/6/2023
December 3, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Advent (Mark 11:1-10) "Behold! Your King!"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday in Advent, 12/3/2023
November 26, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Last Sunday of the Church Year (Matthew 25:31-46) "The Last Judgment"
YouTube recording of The Last Sunday of the Church Year, 11/26/2023
November 23, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Thanksgiving Day (Luke 17:11-19) "His Love - Our Response"
YouTube recording of Thanksgiving Day, 11/23/2023
November 19, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 25:14-30) "Using the Gospel"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, 11/19/2023
November 12, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 25:1-13) "Being Ready for Jesus' Return"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 11/12/2023
November 5, 2023 Readings and Sermon for All Saints Day (Observed) (Matthew 5:1-12) "Blessed Now and In Eternity"
YouTube recording of All Saints Day (Observed), 11/5/2023
October 29, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (Observed) (John 8:31-36) "Remain in My Word"
YouTube recording of Reformation Day (Observed), 10/29/2023
October 22, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 22:15-22) "Giving to Caesar and to God"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost, 10/22/2023
October 15, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 22:1-14) "Supper's Ready"
YouTube recording of The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/15/2023
October 8, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 21:33-36) "The Rejected Stone"
YouTube recording of The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/8/2023
October 1, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 21:23-27 (28-32)) "The Authority of Jesus"
YouTube recording of The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/1/2023
September 24, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 20:1-6) "The Last Will Be First"
YouTube recording of The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/24/2023
September 17, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 18:21-35) "Forgiving from the Heart"
YouTube recording of The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/17/2023
September 10, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 18:1-20) "Children of the Heavenly Father"
YouTube recording of The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/10/2023
September 3, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentcost (Matthew 16:21-28) "Jesus Disappoints His Politicized Disciples"
YouTube recording of The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/3/2023
August 27, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 16:13-20) "The Confession of Christ is the Church's Foundation"
YouTube recording of The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/27/2023
August 20, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 15:21-28) "Persistent Prayer"
YouTube recording of The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, 8/20/2023
August 13, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 14:22-33) "Walking on the Water with Jesus"
YouTube recording of The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, 8/13/2023
August 6, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 14:13-21) "You Can't Get Something for Nothing"
YouTube recording of The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, 8/6/2023
July 30, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 13:44-52) "What's Your Treasure?"
YouTube recording of The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, 7/30/2023
July 23, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) "Weeds are a Pain"
YouTube recording of The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, 7/23/2023
July 16, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) "When Anyone Hears the Word"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, 7/16/2023
July 9, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 11:25-30) "Rest for Your Soul"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, 7/9/2023
July 2, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 10:34-42) "Taking Up the Holy Cross"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, 7/2/2023
June 25, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 10:5a, 21-33) "Even the Hairs On Your Head are Numbered"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 6/25/2023
June 18, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 9:35 - 10:8-20) "Follow Me"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday after Pentecost, 6/18/2023
June 11, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 9:9-13) "Jesus Came to Call Sinners"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday after Pentecost, 6/11/2023
June 4, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Holy Trinity (Matthew 28:16-20) "We All Believe in One God"
YouTube recording of The Holy Trinity, 6/4/2023
May 28, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Day of Pentecost (John 7:37-39) "Fountains of Living Water"
YouTube recording of The Day of Pentecost, 5/28/2023
May 21, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:1-11) "Jesus Accomplished His Mission"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday of Easter, 5/21/2023
May 18, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:44-53) "Jesus Lifted Up His Hands"
YouTube recording of The Ascension of Our Lord, 5/18/2023
May 14, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 14:15-21) "Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5/14/2023
May 7, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 14:1-14) "No One Can Come to the Father Except by Jesus"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday of Easter, 5/7/2023
April 30, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:1-10) "Wolves, Thieves, and Mercenaries"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday of Easter, 4/30/2023
April 23, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday of Easter (Luke 24:13-35) "The Christ Had to Suffer"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday of Easter, 4/23/2023
April 16, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday of Easter (John 20:19-31) "Sinners and Skeptics"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday of Easter, 4/16/2023
April 9, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord (Matthew 28:1-10) "Jesus Rose for Your Salvation"
YouTube recording of The Resurrection of Our Lord, 4/9/2023
April 7, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 18:1 - 19:42) "The Cross: What Does this Mean?"
YouTube recording of Good Friday, 4/7/2023
April 6, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (John 13:1-7, 31b-35) "Jesus Loved Them to the End"
YouTube recording of Maundy Thursday, 4/6/2023
April 2, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday (Matthew 26:1 - 27:66) "Your Last Chance"
YouTube recording of Palm Sunday, 4/2/2023
March 29, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Midweek Lenten Vespers (John 8:42-49) "Hearing God's Words"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/29/2023
March 26, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday in Lent (John 11:1-53) "Raising the Dead"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday in Lent, 3/26/2023
March 22, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Midweek Lenten Vespers (John 6:1-15) "Sharing our Lunch"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/22/2023
March 19, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Lent (John 9:1-41) "Why Jesus was Rejected"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 3/19/2023
March 15, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Midweek Lenten Vespers (Luke 11:14-28) "The Finger of God"
YouTube recording of The Third Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/15/2023
March 12, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Lent (John 4:5-30, 39-42)
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday in Lent, 3/12/2023
March 8, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Lenten Midweek Vespers (Matthew 15:21-28) "Persistence in Prayer"
YouTube recording of The Second Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/8/2023
March 5, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Lent (John 3:1-17) "God Loves the World"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday in Lent, 3/5/2023
March 1, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The First Lenten Midweek Vespers (Mark 8:27-38) "Are You Ashamed of Jesus?"
YouTube recording of The First Lenten Midweek Vespers, 3/1/2023
February 26, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Lent (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Temptations of Christians"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday in Lent, 2/26/2023
February 22, 2023 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "True Religion and Hypocrisy"
YouTube recording of Ash Wednesday, 2/22/2023
February 19, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9) "Who is that Guy Anyway?"
YouTube recording of The Transfiguration of Our Lord, 2/19/2023
February 12, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 5:21-37) "Jesus Expects Higher Things"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany, 2/12/2023
February 5, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 5:13-20) "Dismantling the Law"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany, 2/5/2023
January 29, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 5:1-12) "Good News for the Poor"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany, 1/29/2023
January 22, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 4:12-25) "The Dawn of the Messianic Age"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday After the Epiphany, 1/22/2023
January 15, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After the Epiphany (John 1:29-42a) "John Points to the Messiah"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday After the Epiphany, 1/15/2023
January 8, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Baptism of Our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17) "A Watery Epiphany"
YouTube recording of The Baptism of Our Lord, 1/8/23
January 6, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of Our Lord (Matthew 2:1-12) "The Gentile's Messiah"
YouTube recording of The Epiphany of Our Lord, 1/6/23
January 1, 2023 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday After Christmas (Matthew 2:13-23) "A Bundle of Trouble"
YouTube recording of First Sunday after Christmas, 1/1/23
December 31, 2022 Readings and Sermon for New Year's Eve (Luke 12:35-40) "The Master's Will"
YouTube recording of New Years Eve, 12/31/22
December 25, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Christmas (John 1:1-18) "The Word Lives Among Us"
YouTube recording of Christmas Day, 12/25/22
December 24, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Eve (Luke 2:1-20) "The Angelic Gospel"
YouTube recording of Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols, 12/24/22
December 21, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Advent Midweek Service (Luke 1:26-38) "Mary, an Example of Faith"
YouTube recording of Fourth Advent Midweek, 12/21/2022
December 18, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Advent (Matthew 1:18-25) "How Long, O Lord, How Long?"
YouTube recording of Fourth Sunday in Advent, 12/18/2022
December 14, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Advent Midweek Service (Mark 13:24-37) "Are You Ready for the End?"
YouTube recording of Third Advent Midweek, 12/14/2022
December 11, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-15) "Are You Offended by Jesus?"
YouTube recording of Third Sunday in Advent, 12/11/2022
December 7, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Advent Midweek Service (Mark 1:1-8) "The Beginning of the Gospel"
YouTube recording of Second Advent Midweek, 12/7/2022
December 4, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Advent (Matthew 3:1-12) "He Will Baptize with the Holy Spirit and Fire"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday in Advent, 12/4/2022
November 30, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The First Advent Midweek Service (Mark 11:1-10) "Christ, Our Savior, Has Come!"
YouTube recording of First Advent Midweek, 11/30/2022
November 27, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-11) "Your King Comes for You"
YouTube recording of First Sunday in Advent, 11/27/2022
November 24, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Thanksgiving Day (Luke 17:11-19) "Now Thank We All Our God"
YouTube recording of Thanksgiving Day, 11/24/2022
November 20, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Last Sunday of the Church Year (Luke 23:27-43) "The Day of Wrath, the Day of Joy"
YouTube recording of Last Sunday of the Church Year, 11/20/2022
November 13, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 21:5-36) "The Real End of the World"
YouTube recording of The Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost, 11/13/2022
November 6, 2022 Readings and Sermon for All Saints Day (observed) (Matthew 5:1-12) "True Blessedness"
YouTube recording of All Saints Day (observed), 11/6/2022
October 30, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (observed) (John 8:31-36) "A People of the Word"
YouTube recording of Reformation Day (observed), 10/30/2022
October 23, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 18:9-17) "Who Goes Home Justified"
YouTube recording of The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/23/2022
October 16, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 18:1-8) "Always Pray, Don't Lose Heart"
YouTube recording of The Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/16/2022
October 9, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Grace Lutheran San Mateo 100th Anniversary The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (1 Kings 8:22-30; Revelation 21:1-5; Luke 19:1-10) "Grace and Peace to You from Generation to Generation"
YouTube recording of The Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/9/2022
October 2, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 17:1-10) "Warning the Brothers"
YouTube recording of The Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost, 10/2/2022
September 25, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 16:19-31) "Warning the Brothers"
YouTube recording of The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/25/2022
September 18, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 16:1-15) "Seeking the True Riches"
YouTube recording of The Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/18/2022
September 11, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 15:1-10) "This Man Receives Sinners"
YouTube recording of The Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/11/2022
September 4, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 14:25-35) "Total Dedication"
YouTube recording of The Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost, 9/4/2022
August 28, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 14:1-14) "Status and Class in God's Kingdom"
YouTube recording of The Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/28/2022
August 21, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 13:22-30) "Enter through the Narrow Door"
YouTube recording of The Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, 8/21/2022
August 14, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 12:49-56) "Making the Good Confession"
YouTube recording of The Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/14/2022
August 7, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 12:22-40) "Seek First the Kingdom of God"
YouTube recording of The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, 8/7/2022
July 31, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 12:13-21) "What's Your Life About"
YouTube recording of The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/31/2022
July 24, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 11:1-13) "Teach Us to Pray"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, 7/24/2022
July 17, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 10:38-42) "The Good Portion"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/17/2022
July 10, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 10:35-37) "How to Inherit Eternal Life"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/10/2022
July 3, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 10:1-20) "Your Names are Written in Heaven"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost, 7/3/2022
June 26, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 9:51-62) "Following Jesus or Not"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday After Pentecost, 6/26/2022
June 19, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 8:26-39) "Jesus Cast Out Demons"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday After Pentecost, 6/19/2022
June 12, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Holy Trinity Sunday (John 8:48-59) "I Believe in One God"
YouTube recording of Holy Trinity Sunday, 6/12/2022
June 5, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Day of Pentecost, Guest Preacher: Rev. Gary Mohr
YouTube recording of The Day of Pentecost, 6/5/2022, Guest Preacher: Rev. Gary Mohr
May 29, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday After Easter (John 17:20-26) "The True Unity of Jesus' Church"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday After Easter, 5/29/2022
May 26, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:44-53) "Jesus is in the Cloud"
YouTube recording of The Ascension of Our Lord, 5/26/2022
May 22, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday After Easter (John 16:23-33) "Asking the Father in Jesus' Name"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday After Easter, 5/22/2022
May 15, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday After Easter (John 16:12-22) "Only a Little While"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday After Easter, 5/15/2022
May 8, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday After Easter (John 10:22-30) "Jesus' Sheep Hear His Voice"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday After Easter, 5/8/2022
May 1, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday After Easter (John 21:1-9) "Fishing for Men, Feeding the Sheep"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday After Easter, 5/1/2022
April 24, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After Easter (John 20:19-31) "Blessed are Those Who Believe"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday After Easter, 4/24/2022
Holy Week:
April 17, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord (Luke 24:1-12) "The Great Easter Earthquake"
YouTube recording of The Resurrection of Our Lord, 4/17/2022
April 15, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 19:1-42) "The Cross"
YouTube recording of Good Friday, 4/15/2022
April 14, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (Luke 22:7-20) "Proclaiming the Lord's Death"
YouTube recording of Maundy Thursday, 4/14/2022
April 10, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion (Luke 22:1-23:56) "The Passion of Our Lord"
YouTube recording of Palm Sunday, 4/10/2022
April 6, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Ninth & Tenth Commandments) "Cheerfully Doing What God Commands"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Midweek Lenten Vespers, 4/6/2022
April 3, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday in Lent (Luke 20:9-20) "Jesus is God's Final Word"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday in Lent, 4/3/2022
March 30, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Seventh & Eighth Commandments) "Protecting Our Neighbor's Property & Reputation"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/30/2022
March 27, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Lent (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32) "The Prodigal Son"
YouTube recording of The Fourth Sunday in Lent, 3/27/2022
March 23, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Fifth & Sixth Commandments) "Protecting Our Neighbor's body, Spouse, & Child"
YouTube recordinig of The Third Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/23/2022
March 20, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Lent (Luke 13:1-9) "Suffering of the Saints"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday in Lent, 3/20/2022
March 16, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Third & Fourth Commandments) "Honoring God, Parents, and Authorities"
YouTube recording of The Second Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/16/2022
March 13, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Lent (Luke 13:31-35) "Enemies of the Cross"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday in Lent, 3/13/2022
March 9, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The First Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (First & Second Commandments) "Fear, Love, and Trust in God Above All Things"
YouTube recording of The First Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/9/2022
March 6, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Lent (Luke 4:1-13) "Jesus' Temptations and Ours"
YouTube recording of The First Sunday in Lent, 3/6/2022
March 2, 2022 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "Give It All Up for Lent"
YouTube recording of Ash Wednesday, 3/2/2022
February 27, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Luke 9:28-36) "This is God's Son, the Chosen One"
YouTube recording of The Transfiguration of Our Lord, 2/27/2022
February 20, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Seventh Sunday After the Epiphany (Luke 6:27-38) "How to Treat Everyone well"
YouTube recording of The Seventh Sunday After the Epiphany, 2/20/2022
February 13, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany (Luke 6:17-26) "Blessed or Woeful in God's Kingdom"
YouTube recording of The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany, 2/13/2022
February 6, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany (Luke 5:1-11) "Fishing for Jesus"
YouTube recording of The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany, 2/6/2022
January 30, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany (Luke 4:16-30) "Jesus Proclaims Forgiveness to Sinners"
YouTube recordng of The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany, 1/30/2022
January 23, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday After the Epiphany (Luke 4:16-30) "Jesus Proclaims Forgiveness to Sinners"
YouTube recording of The Third Sunday After the Epiphany, 1/23/2022
January 16, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After the Epiphany (John 2:1-11) "A Glorious Wedding"
YouTube recording of The Second Sunday After the Epiphany, 1/16/2022
January 9, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Baptism of Our Lord (Luke 3:15-22) "A Watery Epiphany"
YouTube recording of The Baptism of Our Lord, 1/9/22
January 6, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of Our Lord (Matthew 2:1-12) "Ancient Scientists Worship the Creator of All"
YouTube recording of The Epiphany of Our Lord, 1/6/22
January 2, 2022 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday After Christmas (Luke 2:40-52) "Jesus in His Temple"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday after Christmas, 1/2/22
December 31, 2021 Readings and Sermon for New Year's Eve (Luke 12:35-40) "Be Ready for Jesus"
YouTube recording of New Years Eve, 12/31/21
December 26, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday After Christmas (Luke 2:22-40) "Dismiss Me Your Servant in Peace"
YouTube recording of First Sunday after Christmas, 12/26/21
December 25, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Day (John 1:1-18) "Glory Full of Grace and Truth"
YouTube recording of Christmas Day, 12/25/21
December 24, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Eve (Luke 2:8-16) "Good News for All People"
YouTube recording of Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols, 12/24/21
December 22, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 4 (Messianic verses in Zechariah 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, & 14) "The Four-Seers: Zechariah"
YouTube recording of Fourth Mid-week Advent Service, 12/22/21
December 19, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday in Advent (Matthew 1:18-25) "What About Joseph?" Guest Preacher: Rev. Gary Mohr
YouTube recording of Fourth Sunday in Advent, 12/19/21 Guest Preacher: Rev. Gary Mohr
December 15, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 3 (Messianic verses in Isaiah 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 24, 26, 40, 42, 49, 52, & 43) "The Four-Seers: Isaiah"
YouTube recording of Third Mid-week Advent Service, 12/15/21
December 12, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The Third Sunday in Advent (Luke 7:189-35) "God's Kingdom is Here!"
YouTube recording of Third Sunday in Advent, 12/12/21
December 8, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 2 (Messianic verses in Psalms 2, 8, 16, 22, 40, 72, and 110) "The Four-Seers: David"
YouTube recording of Second Mid-week Advent Service, 12/8/21
December 5, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 3:2-20) "Jesus Comes for You"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday in Advent, 12/5/21
December 1, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 1 (Messianic verses in Genesis 3, 9, 22, 49; Numbers 24; Deut 18 & 32) "The Four-Seers: Moses"
YouTube recording of First Mid-week Advent Service, 12/1/21
November 28, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday in Advent (Luke 19:28-40) "Jesus Comes for You"
YouTube recording of First Sunday in Advent, 11/28/21
November 25, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Thanksgiving Day (Luke 17:11-19) "The Thankful Samaritan"
YouTube recording of Thanksgiving Day Service, 11/25/21
November 21, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The Last Sunday of the Church Year (Matthew 25:1-13) "Are You Ready?"
YouTube recording of Last Sunday of the Church Year, 11/21/21
November 14, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 9:18-26) "Jesus Has Power Over Death"
YouTube recording of Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 11/14/21
November 7, 2021 Readings and Sermon for All Saints' Day (Observed) (Matthew 5:1-12) "The God-Blessed Saints"
YouTube recording of All Saints Day (Observed), 11/7/21
October 31, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (John 8:31-36) "Remain in My Word"
YouTube recording of Reformation Day, 10/31/21
October 24, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity (John 4:46-54) "Believing the Words of Jesus"
YouTube recording of Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity, 10/24/21
October 17, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Twentieth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:1-14) "The Great Wedding Feast"
YouTube recording of Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, 10/17/21
October 10, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 9:1-8) "God's Favor and Forgiveness"
YouTube recording of Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, 10/10/21
October 3, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:34-46) "The Laws of Love"
YouTube recording of Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, 10/3/21
September 26, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:1-11) "Sabbaths and Self-Promotion"
YouTube recording of Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, 9/26/21
September 19, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 7:11-17) "Dealing with Death"
YouTube recording of Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, 9/19/21
September 12, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34) "Serving God, Not Mammon"
YouTube recording of Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity, 9/12/21
September 5, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 17:11-19) "God's Grace, Our Thanks"
YouTube recording of Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, 9/5/21
August 29, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 10:23-27) "Those Who Justify Themselves"
YouTube recording of Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, 8/29/21
August 22, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Mark 7:31-37) "Jesus Opens Closed Ears and Lips"
YouTube recording of Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, 8/22/21
August 15, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (Luke 18:9-14) "Self-Righteousness or Christ's Righteousness"
YouTube recording of Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, 8/15/21
August 8, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 19:41-48) "The Consequences of Unbelief"
YouTube recording of Tenth Sunday after Trinity, 8/8/21
August 1, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:1-13) (Please bear with and accept our apologies for bad audio quality in the first minute and 17 seconds)
YouTube recording of Ninth Sunday after Trinity, 8/1/21
July 25, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Eighth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 7:15-23) "Watch Out for False Prophets"
YouTube recording of Eighth Sunday after Trinity, 7/25/21
July 18, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Mark 8:1-9) "Jesus Feeds Four Thousand"
YouTube recording of Seventh Sunday after Trinity, 7/18/21
July 11, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 5:17-26) "Fulfilling the Law of God"
YouTube recording of Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 7/11/21
July 4, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Trinity (John 6:1-14)
YouTube recording of Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 7/4/21
June 27, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 6:36-42) "The Christian Arts of Mercy, Tolerance, Forgiveness, and Charity"
YouTube recording of Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 6/27/21
June 20, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Trinity (Luke 15:1-10) "Two Kinds of Righteousness"
YouTube recording of Third Sunday after Trinity, 6/20/21
June 13, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:15-24) "The Great Banquet"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday after Trinity, 6/13/21
June 6, 2021 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:19-31)
YouTube recording of First Sunday after Trinity, 6/6/21
May 30, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Holy Trinity Sunday (John 3:1-17) "The Mystery of the New Birth"
YouTube recording of Holy Trinity Sunday, 5/30/21
May 23, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Day of Pentecost (John 14:23-31) "Who Loves Jesus?"
YouTube recording of Day of Pentecost, 5/23/21
May 16, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 15:26-16:4) "The Witness of the Spirit and the Apostles"
YouTube recording of Seventh Sunday of Easter, 5/16/21
May 13, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Ascension of Our Lord (Mark 16:14-20) "Jesus Sat Down at God's Right Hand"
YouTube recording of Ascension of Our Lord, 5/13/21
May 9, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 16:23-33) "Praying in Jesus' Name"
YouTube recording of Sixth Sunday of Easter, 5/9/21
May 2, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 16:5-15) "The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit"
YouTube recording of Fifth Sunday of Easter, 5/2/21
April 25, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 16:16-22) "Persevering in the Promises"
YouTube recording of Fourth Sunday of Easter, 4/25/21
April 18, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday of Easter (John 10:11-16) "The Only Good Shepherd"
YouTube recording of Third Sunday of Easter, 4/18/21
April 11, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday of Easter (John 20:19-31) "Sending of the Twelve"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday of Easter, 4/11/21
Holy Week:
April 4, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Resurrection of Our Lord (Mark 16:1-8) "The God Who Truly Died"
YouTube recording of The Resurrection of Our Lord, 4/4/21
April 2, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 18:1 - 19:42) "Preparing to Die with Christ"
YouTube recording of Good Friday, 4/2/21
April 1, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (John 13:1-15, 34-35) "Jesus Loves His Own"
YouTube recording of Maundy Thursday, 4/1/21
March 28, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday (Sunday of the Passion) (Matthew 26-27) "The Passion of Our Lord"
YouTube recording of Palm Sunday (Sunday of the Passion), 3/28/21
March 24, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Midweek Lenten Vespers (Mark 10:32-45) "Inheriting the Kingdom of Heaven"
YouTube recording of Fifth Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/24/21
March 21, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday in Lent (John 8:42-59) "Do You Hear the Word of God?"
YouTube recording of Fifth Sunday in Lent, 3/21/21
March 17, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Midweek Lenten Vespers (John 3:14-21) "Why Jesus Came to Earth"
YouTube recording of Fourth Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/17/21
March 14, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Lent (John 6:1-15) "Feeding Five Thousand"
YouTube recording of Fourth Sunday in Lent, 3/14/21
March 10, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Third Midweek Lenten Vespers (John 2:13-25) "Our Father's House"
YouTube recording of Third Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/10/21
March 7, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Lent (Luke 11:14-28) "Man Between God and the Devil"
YouTube recording of Third Sunday in Lent, 3/7/21
March 3, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Second Midweek Lenten Vespers (Mark 8:27-38) "Are You Ashamed of Jesus?"
YouTube recording of Second Midweek Lenten Vespers, 3/3/21
February 28, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Lent (Matthew 15:21-28) "Crumbs from the Heavenly Banquet"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday in Lent, 2/28/21
February 24, 2021 Readings and Sermon for First Midweek Lenten Vespers (Mark 9:1-15) "Lead Us Not Into Temptation"
YouTube recording of First Midweek Lenten Vespers, 2/24/21
February 21, 2021 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Lent (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Temptation of Jesus"
YouTube recording of First Sunday in Lent, 2/21/21
February 17, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "Private Acts of Religion"
YouTube recording of Ash Wednesday, 2/17/21
February 14, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Quinquagesima (Luke 18:31-43) "The Prophets' Hope Fulfilled"
YouTube recording of Quinquagesima, 2/14/21
February 7, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 8:4-15) "The Word Grows the Church"
YouTube recording of Sexagesima, 2/7/21
January 31, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Septuagesima (Matthew 20:1-16) "The Last Will be First"
YouTube recording of Septuagesima, 1/31/21
January 24, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9) "A View of Salvation from the Mountain"
YouTube recording of The Transfiguration of Our Lord, 1/24/21
January 17, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Epiphany (John 2:1-11) "The Wedding at Cana"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday after Epiphany, 1/17/21
January 10, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Baptism of Our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17) "This is God's Beloved Son!"
YouTube recording of The Baptism of Our Lord, 1/10/21
January 6, 2021 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of Our Lord (Matthew 2:1-12) "Skywatchers and Kings"
January 3, 2021 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Christmas (Matthew 2:13-23) "The Holy Innocents and Other Martyrs"
December 31, 2020 Readings and Sermon for New Years Eve (Luke 12:35-40) "Keep Watch!"
YouTube recording of New Years Eve, 12/31/20
December 27, 2020 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday after Christmas (Luke 2:22-40) "The Son that Causes Offense"
YouTube recording of First Sunday after Christmas, 12/27/20
December 25, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Day (John 1:1-18) "The Word Became Flesh"
YouTube recording of Christmas Day, 12/25/20
December 24, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols (Matthew 1:18-25) "Where Did Jesus Come From?"
YouTube recording of Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols, 12/24/20
December 23, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Advent Midweek (Luke 1:26-38) "Mary, an Example of Faith"
YouTube recording of Fourth Advent Midweek, 12/23/20
December 20, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Advent (John 1:19-28) "Make Straight the Lord's Highway!"
YouTube recording of Fourth Sunday in Advent, 12/20/20
December 16, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Advent Midweek (John 1:6-8) "The Art of Introductions"
YouTube recording of Third Advent Midweek, 12/16/20
December 13, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-11) "Are You Offended by Jesus?"
YouTube recording of Third Sunday in Advent, 12/13/20
December 9, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Advent Midweek (Mark 1:1-8) "The Beginning of the Gospel"
December 6, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 21:25-36) "Watch for the Blossoms!"
YouTube recording of Second Sunday in Advent, 12/6/20
December 2, 2020 Readings and Sermon for First Advent Midweek (Mark 11:1-10) "Behold Your King!"
YouTube recording of First Advent Midweek, 12/2/20
November 29, 2020 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-9) "Your King Comes"
YouTube recording of First Sunday in Advent, 11/29/20
November 26, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Thanksgiving Day (Luke 17:11-19) "Thanking God - in a Loud Voice and Song!"
YouTube recording of Thanksgiving Day Service, 11/26/20
November 22, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Last Sunday of the Church Year (Matthew 25:31-46) "The Last Judgment"
YouTube recording of Last Sunday of the Church Year, 11/22/20
November 15, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 25:14-30) "Using the Gospel"
YouTube recording of Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, 11/15/20
November 8, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 25:1-13) "Nobody Knows When Jesus will Return"
YouTube recording of Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost, 11/08/20
November 1, 2020 Readings and Sermon for All Saints Day (Matthew 5:1-12) "How a Christian Fares in the Present Life"
YouTube video recording of All Saints Day (Observed), 11/01/20
October 25, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (Observed) (John 8:31-36) "Remain in My Word"
YouTube video recording of Reformation Day (Observed)
October 25, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (Observed) (John 8:31-36) "Remain in My Word"
YouTube video recording of Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
October 18, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 22:15-22) "Giving to Caesar and to God"
YouTube video recording of Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Please accept our apologies that audio-only is not available for October 11, 2020; additionally, the video recording has poor audio quality
YouTube video recording of Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
October 4, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 21:33-46) "The Rejected Stone"
YouTube video recording of Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 27, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 21:23-32) "The Authority Of Jesus"
YouTube video recording of Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 20, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 20:1-16) "The First Will Be Last"
YouTube video recording of Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 13, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 18:21-35) "Forgiving from the Heart"
YouTube video recording of Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 6, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 18:1-20) "Children of the Heavenly Father"
YouTube video recording of Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 30, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 16:21-28) "Jesus Disappoints His Politicized Disciples"
YouTube video recording of Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
August 23, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 16:13-20) "The Foundational Doctrine of the Church"
YouTube video recording of Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
August 16, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 15:21-28) "Persistent Prayer"
August 9, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 14:22-33) "Walking on Water with Jesus"
August 2, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 14:13-21) "You Can't Get Somethin for Nothin"
July 26, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 13:44-52) "The Hidden Treasure of the Gospel"
July 12, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) "Why the Word Does not Always Bear Fruit"
July 5, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 11:25-30)
June 28, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 10:34-42) "Following Jesus' Cross"
June 21, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 10:5a, 21-33) "Even the Hairs on Your Head are Numbered"
June 14, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 9:35 - 10:20) "Jesus Sends The Twelve"
June 7, 2020 Readings and Sermon for The Holy Trinity (Matthew 28:16-20) "Jesus is Present with Us until the Very End"
May 31, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Pentecost (John 7:37-39) "Pentecostal Springs"
May 24, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:1-11) "Jesus Accomplished His Mission"
May 21, 2020 Readings and Sermon for The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:44-53) "Jesus Lifted Up Hands and Blessed Them"
May 17, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 14:15-21) "Jesus Sends the Holy Spirit"
May 10, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 14:1-14) "No One Comes to the Father"
May 3, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:1-10) "Warnings about Wolves, etc."
April 26, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday of Easter (Luke 24:13-35) "The Christ had to Suffer and Die"
April 19, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday of Easter (John 20:19-31) "The Faith that Gives You Life"
Holy Week:
April 12, 2020 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord (John 20:1-18) "Christ Has Arisen!"
April 10, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 19:13-42) "The Cross: What Does this Mean?"
April 9, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (Matthew 26:17-30) "The Sacrament of the New Covenant"
April 5, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Sunday of the Passion (Matthew 26:36 - 27:31) "The Suffering of the Christ"
April 1, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (John 8:42-59) "Hearing God's Words"
March 29, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday in Lent (John 11:17-27, 38-53) "Raising the Dead"
March 25, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (John 6:1-15) "Sharing Our Lunch"
March 22, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Lent (John 9:1-41) "Why Jesus Was Rejected"
March 18, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Luke 11:14-28) "Jesus and the Finger of God"
March 15, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Lent (John 4:5-30, 39-42) "The True Worship of God"
March 11, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 15:21-28) "Persistence in Prayer"
March 8, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Lent (John 3:1-17) "God Loves the World"
March 4, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Fall of Man"
March 1, 2020 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Lent (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Temptations of Christians"
February 26, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "Two Common Temptations"
February 23, 2020 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9) "Who is This Jesus?"
February 16, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 5:21-37) "The Christian Law in Application"
February 9, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 5:13-20) "The Christian Law in Principle"
January 26, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 4:12-25) "Jesus and His Cabinet"
January 19, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday After the Epiphany (John 1:29-42a) "We All Need a Lamb"
January 12, 2020 Readings and Sermon for The Baptism of Our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17) "Clothes Make the Man"
January 6, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12) "The Gentile's Messiah"
January 5, 2020 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday After Christmas (Luke 2:40-52) "The Child Prodigy Jesus"
December 31, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Eve of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus (Luke 12:35-40) "Waiting for Our Master"
December 29, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday in Advent (Matthew 2:13-23) "A Bundle of Trouble"
December 22, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Advent (Matthew 1:18-25) "Are You Ready for Jesus' Coming?"
December 18, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 3 (Isaiah 35:1-10) "Water in the Wilderness"
December 15, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-15) "The Dawn of the New Age"
December 8, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Advent (Matthew 3:1-12) "The Word of God Came to John"
December 4, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent I (Isaiah 2:1-5) "The Mountain of God's House"
December 1, 2019 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-11) "Your King Comes to You"
November 28, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Office of Matins In Recognition of Thanksgiving Day (Luke 17:11-19) "His Love--Our Response"
November 24, 2019 Readings and Sermon for The Last Sunday of the Church Year (Luke 23:27-43) "Jesus Your Great High Priest"
November 17, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 21:5-36) "The End of the World-As We Know It"
November 10, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 20:27-47) "Sons of the Resurrection"
November 3, 2019 Readings and Sermon for All Saint's Day (Observed) (Matthew 5:1-12) "Blessed Now and in Eternity"
October 31, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Vespers (John 8:31-36) "Remain in My Word"
October 27, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (Observed) (John 8:31-36) "A People of the Word"
October 20, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 18:1-8) "Never Give Up Praying"
October 13, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 17:11-19) "Giving Thanks for God's Gifts"
September 29, 2019 Readings and Sermon for St. Michael and All Angels (Matthew 18:1-11) "Becoming Like Children"
September 22, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 16:1-15) "Money Can't Buy You Grace"
September 15, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 15:1-10) "Jesus Greets and Receives Sinners"
September 8, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 14:25-35) "Real Dedication to Jesus"
September 1, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 14:1-14) "Observing the Sabbath and Being Humble"
August 25, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 13:22-30) "Jesus Corrects Myths about Salvation"
August 18, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Tenth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 12:49-56) "Jesus Brings Division to Earth"
August 11, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Ninth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 12:22-40) "Seek First the Kingdom of God"
August 4, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 12:13-21) "Investing in Heavenly Things"
July 28, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 10:38-42) "Praying to Your Heavenly Father"
July 21, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 10:38-42) "The Better Part"
July 14, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 10:25-37) "Those Who Justify Themselves"
June 30, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday After Pentecost (Joshua 3) "Two Memorials"
June 23, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday After Pentecost (Luke 8:26-39) "Jesus Cleans the Unclean"
June 9, 2019 Readings and Sermon for The Day of Pentecost (John 14:23-31) "If You Love Jesus"
June 2, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:20-26) "The Five Ages of the Human Race"
May 30, 2019 Readings and Sermon for The Ascension of Our Lord (Luke 24:44-53) "The Five Ages of the Human Race"
May 26, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 16:23-33) "Asking the Father in Jesus' Name"
May 19, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 16:12-22) "Only a Little While"
May 12, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:22-30) "Jesus' Sheep Hear His Voice"
May 5, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday of Easter (John 21:1-19) "Fishing for the Souls of Men"
April 28, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday of Easter (John 20:19-31) "The Peace and Joy of Our Lord"
Holy Week:
April 21, 2019 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord (Luke 24:1-12) "Is Easter a Fairy Tale?"
April 19, 2019 Passion Reading and Sermon for Good Friday (John 18:1-19:42) "The Passion of Our Lord"
April 18, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (1 Corinthians 11:23-32) "Take Eat, This is My Body"
April 14, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday (Luke 23:1-56) "The Suffering of the Messiah"
April 7, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday in Lent (Luke 20:9-20) "Jesus is God's Final Word"
March 31, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Lent (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32) "The Prodigal Son"
March 27, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Third Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Luke 11:14-28) "Jesus and the Finger of God"
March 24, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Lent (Luke 13:1-9) "Who Is the Worse Sinner"
March 20, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Second Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 15:21-28) "Persistence in Prayer"
March 17, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Lent (Luke 13:31-35) "Enemies of the Cross"
March 13, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 4:1-11) "Three Temptations of Christ"
March 10, 2019 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Lent (Luke 4:1-13) "The Three Temptations"
March 6, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "If You Fast"
March 3, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday (Luke 9:28-36) "From Earth to Heaven and Back"
February 24, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 6:27-38) "Being Merciful and Forgiving"
February 10, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 5:1-11) "Fear and Trembling"
February 3, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 4:31-44) "Jesus Healed Them All"
January 27, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 4:16-30) "The Year of the Lord's Favor"
January 20, 2019 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Epiphany (John 2:1-11) "A Glorious Wedding"
January 13, 2019 Readings and Sermon for The Baptism of our Lord/First Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 3:15-22) "Jesus' Baptism is Yours"
January 6, 2019 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of our Lord (Matthew 2:1-12) "A Ruler to Shepherd God's People"
December 31, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Eve of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus (Luke 12:35-40) "In Which Watch Will He Appear?"
December 30, 2018 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday after Christmas (Luke 2:22-40) "A Light for Revelation to the Gentiles"
December 25, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Day (John 1:1-18) "The only Son Was With God in the Beginning"
December 24, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols (Matthew 1:18-25) "The Virgin Conceives and Bears a Son"
December 23, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Advent (Luke 1:39-56) "God Remembered His Mercy"
December 19, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 3 (Matthew 11:2-11) "Preparing for the Christ"
December 16, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent (Luke 7:18-35) "All Were Baptized except..."
December 9, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 3:1-20) "The Voice of Only One"
December 5, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 1 (Luke 21:29-36) "Wake, Awake for Night is Almost Gone"
December 2, 2018 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Advent (Luke 19:28-40) "Blessed is He Who Comes!"
November 25, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Last Sunday of the Church Year (Mark 13:14-27) "Are You Ready for the End?"
November 18, 2018 Readings and Sermon for 26th Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 13:1-13) "Things are Not what They Seem"
November 11, 2018 Readings and Sermon for 25th Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 12:38-44) "The Scribes and a Poor Widow"
November 4, 2018 Readings and Sermon for All Saints Day (observed) (Matthew 5:1-12) "The Blessed and Their Kingdom"
October 31, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Vespers (John 8:31-36) "A People of the Word"
October 28, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Reformation Day (observed) (Jeremiah 31:31-34) "Remain in My Word"
October 21, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 10:23-31) "Entering the Kingdom of God"
October 14, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 10:17-22) "Inheriting Eternal Life"
October 7, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 10:2-16) "Two Shall Become One Flesh"
September 30, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 9:38-50) "Don't be a Cause of Sin!"
September 23, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 9:30-37) "Who Is the Greatest?"
September 16, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 9:14-29) "Take Up the Whole Armor of God"
September 9, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 7:24-37) "Jesus Made the Dumb Speak"
September 2, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 7:14-23) "Cleanliness and Godliness"
August 26, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 7:1-13) "The Rules and Regulations of Men"
August 19, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost (John 6:51-69) "Jesus Has the Words of Eternal Life"
August 12, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost (John 6:35-51) "The Gospel is the Elixir of Life"
August 5, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost (John 6:22-35) "Jesus is the Bread of Life"
July 29, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Tenth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 6:45-56) "Not Who, but What is Jesus"
July 22, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Ninth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 6:30-44) "Five Loaves, Two Fishes"
July 15, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Eighth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 6:14-29) "The Beheading of John the Baptizer"
June 24, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 4:35-41) "Jesus is in the Boat with You"
June 17, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 4:26-34) "The Growth of God's Kingdom"
June 3, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday After Pentecost (Mark 2:23-28, 3:1-6) "Jesus Reveals How to Observe the Sabbath"
May 27, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Holy Trinity (John 3:1-17) "Whoever Believe in Jesus has Eternal Life"
May 13, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday of Easter (John 17:11b-19) "Abiding in the Love of Jesus"
May 6, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 15:9-17) "Abiding in the Love of Jesus"
April 29, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday of Easter (John 15:1-8) "Abiding in Jesus' Word"
April 22, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday of Easter (John 10:11-18) "The Good Shepherd and His Flock"
April 15, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday of Easter (Luke 24:36-49) "Proclaiming Repentance and Forgiveness"
April 8, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday of Easter (John 20:19-31) "The Peace of Jesus"
Holy Week:
April 1, 2018 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of Our Lord (Mark 16:1-8) "The God Who Truly Died"
March 30, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 18:1-19:42) "Your Debt of Sin Has Been Paid Off"
March 29, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (1 Corinthians 11:23-32) "Proclaiming the Lord's Death"
March 25, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday (Mark 14:1-15:47) "The Story of Jesus' Suffering and Death"
March 21, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (John 8:42-59) "Do You Hear the Word of God?"
March 18, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday in Lent (Mark 10:32-45) "Christ the Servant of All"
March 14, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (John 6:1-15) "Feeding Five Thousand"
March 11, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Lent (John 3:14-21) "Salvation through God's Son"
March 7, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Luke 11:14-28) "Man Between God and Devil"
March 4, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Lent (John 2:13-25) "Our Father's Home and Ours"
February 28, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 15:21-28) "Crumbs from the Heavenly Banquet"
February 25, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Lent (Mark 8:27-38) "Ashamed of Jesus and His Words"
February 21, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lenten Vespers (Matthew 4:1-11) "The Temptation of Jesus"
February 18, 2018 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Lent (Mark 1:9-15) "Let Me Not Fall Because of Temptation"
February 14, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) "Private Acts of Religion"
February 11, 2018 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of Our Lord (Mark 9:2-9) "The Trinity, Jesus' Glory and Our Hope"
February 4, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (Mark 1:29-39) "Jesus Came to Preach the Kingdom"
January 28, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (Mark 1:21-28) "Jesus Teaches and Commands with Authority"
January 21, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Epiphany (Mark 1:14-20) "The Kingdom of God is Near"
January 14, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Epiphany (John 1:43-51) "Rabbi, You Are The Son of God"
January 7, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Baptism of Our Lord (Mark 1:4-11) "God's Beloved Son"
January 6, 2018 Readings and Sermon for Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12) "Arise, Shine; for Your Light Has Come"
December 31, 2017 Readings and Sermon for New Year's Eve (Luke 12:35-40) "The Master's Will"
December 31, 2017 Readings and Sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas (Luke 2:22-40) "The One that Causes Offense"
December 27, 2017 Readings and Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent (Luke 1:26-38) "With God Nothing is Impossible"
December 20, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent 3 (Matthew 11:2-11) "Are You Offended by Jesus"
December 17, 2017 Readings and Sermon for the Third Sunday in Advent (John 1:6-8, 19-28) "The Witness to the Light"
December 10, 2017 Readings and Sermon for the Second Sunday in Advent (Mark 1:1-8) "Messianic Messaging"
December 6, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Advent I (Matthew 21:1-9) "Behold, Your King is Coming"
December 3, 2017 Readings and Sermon for the First Sunday in Advent (Mark 11:1-10) "Christ Our Savior Has Come"
November 26, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Last Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 25:1-13) "Jesus Has Come to Seek and Save the Lost"
November 19, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:15-22) "Jesus Has Come to Seek and Save the Lost"
November 12, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Twenty-Second Sunay after Trinity (Luke 19:1-10) "Jesus Has Come to Seek and Save the Lost"
October 31, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Vespers (Matthew 11:12-19) "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
October 29, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Sunday of the Reformation (John 8:31-36) "Lord, Keep us Steadfast in Thy Word"
October 15, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:34-46) "The Two Greatest Commandments"
October 8, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:1-11) "Keeping God's Sabbath"
September 24, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34) "What--Me Worry?"
September 17, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 17:11-19) "Firmly Trusting in God's Goodness"
September 10, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 10:23-27) "Blessed Are Those Who Hear the Gospel"
September 3, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Mark 7:31-37) "Jesus Helps Every Need of Your Body and Soul"
August 27, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (Luke 18:9-14) "Humbling Yourself before God"
August 20, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 19:41-48) "God Wants All People to be Saved"
August 13, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:1-13) "Using Your Eternal Gifts Wisely"
August 6, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Eighth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 7:15-23) "Wolly Wolves that Give you the Warm Fuzzies"
July 16, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 5:1-11) "Keep Calm and Let God Carry On"
July 9, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 6:36-42)
June 18, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The First Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:19-31)
June 11, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Feast of the Holy Trinity (Matthew 28:16-20)
June 4, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Installation of Rev. Dr. Martin Noland (John 3:16-21)
June 4, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Pentecost (John 14:26)
May 25, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Ascension of our Lord (Luke 24:44-53)
May 21, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Rogate (1 Peter 2:2-10)
Holy Week:
April 16, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of our Lord (Mark 16:1-8)
April 14, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (John 1)
April 13, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Maundy Thursday (John 13:1-15)
April 9, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday (Matthew 26:1-27:66)
February 19, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 12:13-21)
January 22, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Epiphany (Matthew 8:3)
January 8, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Baptsim of our Lord (Matthew 3:15)
January 6, 2017 Readings and Sermon for The Epiphany of our Lord (John 20:30)
January 1, 2017 Readings and Sermon for Circumcision and Naming of Jesus (Luke 2:21)
December 31, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Eve of the Circumcision and Naming of Jesus (Romans 8:31)
December 25, 2016 Readings and Sermon for The Nativity of Our Lord (John 1:14)
December 18, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Advent 4 (John 1:19-28)
November 20, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Last Sunday of the Church Year (Isaiah 65:17-25)
November 13, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 25:31-46)
November 6, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Feast of All Saints (Matthew 5:1-12)
October 30, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Sunday of the Reformation (John 8:31-36)
October 23, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity (Luke 18:9-17)
October 2, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Twentieth Sunday after Trinity (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
September 25, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:36)
September 18, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:1-11)
September 11, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 7:11-17)
September 4, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34)
August 28, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 17:11-19)
August 21, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 10:23-37)
August 7, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (Luke 18:9-14)
July 31, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 19:41, 45)
July 24, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:1-9)
July 17, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Eighth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 10:38-42)
July 10, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Mark 8:1-9)
July 3, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 5:(17-19)20-26)
June 26, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 5:1-11)
June 19, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 6:36-42)
June 12, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Trinity (Luke 15:1-10)
June 5, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:15-24)
May 29, 2016 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:19-31)
May 22, 2016 Readings and Sermon for The Feast of Holy Trinity (John 3:1-15 (16-17))
May 15, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Pentecost (John 14:23-31)
May 8, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Exaudi (John 15:26-16:4)
May 1, 2016 Readings and Sermon for The Festival of Sts. James and Philip (John 14:1-14)
April 24, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Cantate (John 16:5-15)
April 17, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Jubilate (John 16:16-22)
April 10, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Misericordias Domini (John 10:11-16)
April 3, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Quasimodo Geneiti (John 20:19-31)
Holy Week:
March 27, 2016 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of our Lord (Mark 16:1-8)
March 25, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (Isaiah 53:1-6)
March 24, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Holy (Maundy) Thursday (Exodus 24:3-11)
March 20, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday, Sunday of the Passion (Matthew 27:11-54)
March 16, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lent 5 (Matthew 25: 45-50)
March 13, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Judica (John 8: (42-45) 46-59)
March 9, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lent 4 (Matthew 27:24-31)
March 6, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Laetare (John 6:1-15)
March 2, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lent 3 (Matthew 26: 69-75)
February 28, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Oculi (Luke 11: 14-28)
February 24, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lent 2 (Matthew 26: 36-45)
February 21, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Reminiscere (Matthew 15:21-28)
February 17, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Mid-Week Lent 1 (Matthew 26: 20-25)
February 14, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Invocabit (Matthew 4:1-11)
February 10, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Joel 2:12-13)
February 7, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Quinquagesima (Luke 18:31-43)
January 31, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 8:4-15)
January 24, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Septuagesima (Matthew 20:1-16)
January 17, 2016 Readings and Sermon for The Transfiguration of our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9)
January 10, 2016 Readings and Sermon for The Baptism of our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17)
January 6, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Feast of Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12)
January 3, 2016 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Christmas (Matthew 2:13-23)
December 27, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Festival of St. John, Apostle & Evangelist (John 21:20-25)
December 25, 2015 Readings and Sermon for The Nativity of Our Lord (John 1:1-14(15-18))
December 20, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Advent (John 1:19-28)
December 16, 2015 Reading and Homily for Mid-Week Advent 3 (Isaiah 7:1-14)
December 13, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-10(11))
December 9, 2015 Reading and Homily for Mid-Week Advent 2 (Isaiah 9:1-7)
December 6, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 21:25-36)
December 2, 2015 Reading and Homily for Mid-Week Advent 1
November 29, 2015 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-9)
November 26, 2015 Office of Matins in Recognition of Thanksgiving Day (Deut. 8 & Phil. 4)
November 22, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Last Sunday in the Church Year (Matthew 25:1-13)
November 15, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 9:18-26)
November 8, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:15-22)
November 1, 2015 Readings and Sermon for All Saints' Day (Matthew 5:1-12)
October 31, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Reformation of the Church (John 8:31-36)
October 25, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity (John 4:46-54)
October 18, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Festival of St. Luke (Luke 10:1-9)
October 11, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 9:1-8)
October 4, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:34-46)
September 27, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:1-11)
September 20, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 7:11-17)
September 13, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34)
September 6, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 17:11-19)
August 30, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 10:23-37)
August 23, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Mark 7:31-37)
August 9, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 19:41-48)
August 2, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:1-9 (10-13))
July 26, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Eighth Sunday after Trinity (Acts 20:27-38)
July 19, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Mark 8:1-9)
July 12, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 5:(17-19) 20-26)
July 5, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 5:1-11)
June 28, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 6:36-42)
June 21, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Third Sunday after Trinity (Luke 15:1-10)
June 14, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:15-24)
June 7, 2015 Readings and Sermon for First Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:19-31)
May 31, 2015 Readings and Sermon for The Feast of the Holy Trinity (John 3:1-15 (16-17))
May 24, 2015 Readings and Sermon for The Feast of Pentecost/Confirmation Sunday (John 14:23-31)
May 17, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Exaudi (John 15:26-16:4)
May 14, 2015 Readings and Sermon for The Feast of our Lord's Ascension (sermon reading not available, please see Acts 1:1-11) Guest Liturgist: Rev. Jeff Schufreider; Guest Preacher: Rev. Daniel Kistler
May 10, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Rogate (John 16:23-30 (31-33)) Guest Preacher: Rev. Charles Froh
May 3, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Cantate (John 16:5-15)
April 26, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Jubilate (John 16:16-22)
April 19, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Misericordias Domini (John 10:11-16)
April 12, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Quasimodo Geniti (John 20:19-31)
Holy Week:
April 5, 2015 Readings and Sermon for The Resurrection of our Lord (Mark 16:1-8)
April 3, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Good Friday (Isaiah 53:9)
April 2, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Holy (Maundy) Thursday (John 13:1-15 (34-35))
March 29, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Palm Sunday / Sunday of the Passion (Matthew 27:11-54)
March 25, 2015 Readings and Sermon for The Annunciation of Our Lord (Luke 1:26-38)
March 22, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Judica (John 8:42-45 (46-59)
March 18, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Lenten Midweek 4 (John 19:1-16)
March 15, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Laetare (John 6:1-15)
March 11, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Lenten Midweek 3 (John 18:28-40)
March 1, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Reminiscere (Matthew 15:21-28)
February 22, 2015: Readings and Sermon for Invocabit (Matthew 4:1-11)
February 15, 2015: Readings and Sermon for Quinquagesima (Luke 18:31-43)
February 8, 2015: Readings and Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 8:4-15)
February 1, 2015: Readings and Sermon for Septuaegsima (Matthew 20:1-16)
January 25, 2015: Readings and Sermon for the Transfiguration of our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9)
January 18, 2015 Readings and Sermon for Second Sunday after the Epiphany (John 2:1-11)
January 11, 2015: Readings and Sermon for The Holy Baptism of our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17)
January 6, 2015: Readings and Sermon for the Feast of Our Lord's Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12)
January 4, 2015: Readings and Sermon for the Second Sunday after Christmas (Matthew 2:13-23)
December 28, 2014: Readings and Sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas (Luke 2:22-32 & 33-40)
December 25, 2014: Readings and Sermon for The Nativity of Our Lord (John 1:1-14 & 15-28)
December 21, 2014: Readings and Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent (John 1:19-28)
December 14, 2014: Readings and Sermon for the Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-10:11)
December 10, 2014: Readings and Homily for Mid-Week Advent (John 10:14-18)
December 7, 2014: Readings and Sermon for the Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 21:25-36)
December 3, 2014: Readings and Homily for Mid-Week Advent (Mark 10:2-9)
November 30, 2014: Readings and Sermon for the First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-9)
Beginning with the next Church Year, which starts November 30, 2014, we have consolidated the Readings and Sermons into one file for convenience.
November 16, 2014: Readings
November 16, 2014: Sermon for the Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:15-22)
November 9, 2014: Readings
November 9, 2014: Sermon for the Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity (John 4:46-54)
November 2, 2014: Readings
November 2, 2014: Sermon for the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 22:1-14)
October 26, 2014: Readings
October 26, 2014: Sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 9:1-8)
October 19, 2014: Readings
October 19, 2014: Sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (
Matthew 22:34-46)
October 12, 2014: Readings
October 12, 2014: Sermon for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 14:1-11)
October 5, 2014: Readings
October 5, 2014: Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 7:11-17)
September 28, 2014: Readings
September 28, 2014: Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34)
September 21, 2014: Readings
September 21, 2014: Sermon for Festival of St. Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13)
September 14, 2014: Readings
September 14, 2014: Sermon for Holy Cross Day (John 12:20-33)
September 7, 2014: Readings
September 7, 2014: Sermon for Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Mark 7:31-37)
August 31, 2014: Readings
August 31, 2014: Sermon for Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (Luke 18:9-14)
August 24, 2014: Readings
August 24, 2014: Sermon for Festival of St. Bartholomew (Luke 22:24-30)
August 17, 2014: Readings
August 17, 2014: Sermon for Ninth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:1-9 & 10-13)
August 10, 2014: Readings
August 10, 2014: Sermon for Eighth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 7:15-23)
August 3, 2014: Readings
August 3, 2014: Sermon for Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Mark 8:1-9)
July 27, 2014: Readings
July 27, 2014: Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Matthew 5:17-19 & 20-26)
July 20, 2014: Readings
July 20, 2014: Sermon for Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 5:1-11)
July 15, 2014: Readings
July 15, 2014: Sermon for Trinity (John 1:1-15)
July 13, 2014: Readings
July 13, 2014: (Rev. Charles Froh) Sermon for Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 6:36-42)
July 6, 2014: Readings
July 6, 2014: Sermon for Third Sunday after Trinity (Luke 15:1-10)
July 2, 2014: Readings
July 2, 2014: Sermon for the Visitation (Luke 1:39-45 & 46-56)
June 29, 2014: Readings
June 29, 2014: (Rev. Tim Schepman) Sermon for the Festival of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles (Matthew 16:13-19)
June 22, 2014: Readings
June 22, 2014: Sermon for First Sunday after Trinity (Luke 16:19-3)
June 8, 2014: Readings
June 8, 2014: Sermon for the Day of Pentecost (John 14:23-31)
June 1, 2014: Readings
June 1, 2014: Sermon for Exaudi (John 15:26-16:4)
May 25, 2014: Readings
May 25, 2014: Sermon for Rogate (John 16:23-30 & 31-33)
May 18, 2014: Readings
May 18, 2014: Sermon for Cantate (John 16:5-15)
May 11, 2014: Readings
May 11, 2014: Sermon for Jubilate (John 16:16-22)
May 5, 2014: Readings
May 5, 2014: Sermon for Misericordias Domini (John 10:11-16)
April 27, 2014: Readings
April 27, 2014: Sermon for Quasimodo Geniti (John 20:19-31)
April 20, 2014: Readings
April 20, 2014: Sermon / Catechesis for the Resurrection of Our Lord (Mark 16:1-8)
April 18, 2014: Readings
April 18, 2014: Sermon / Catechesis for Good Friday
April 17, 2014: Readings
April 17, 2014: Sermon / Catechesis for Maundy Thursday
April 13, 2014: Readings
April 13, 2014: Sermon for Palm Sunday (Matthew 27 & John 12)
April 9, 2014: Passion Reading V
April 9, 2014: Catechetical Instruction for Mid-Week (Lent 5)
April 6, 2014: Readings
April 6, 2014: Sermon for Judica (John 8:42-45 & 46-59)
April 2, 2014: Passion Reading IV
April 2, 2014: Catechetical Instruction for Mid-Week (Lent 4)
March 30, 2014: Readings
March 30, 2014: Sermon for Laetare (John 6:1-15)
March 26, 2014: Passion Reading III
March 26, 2014: Catechetical Instruction for Mid-Week (Lent 3)
March 25, 2014: Readings
March 25, 2014: Sermon for the Annunciation of Our Lord (Luke 1:26-38)
March 23, 2014: Readings
March 23, 2014: Sermon for Oculi (Luke 11:14-28)
March 19, 2014: Passion Reading II
March 19, 2014: Catechetical Instruction for Mid-Week (Lent 2).mp3
March 16, 2014: Readings
March 16, 2014: Sermon for Reminiscere (Matthew 15:21-28)
March 12, 2014: Passion Reading I
March 12, 2014: Catechetical Instruction for Mid-Week (Lent 1)
March 9, 2014: Readings
March 9, 2014: Sermon for Invocabit (Matthew 4:1-44)
March 5, 2014: Readings
March 5, 2014: Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Matthew 6:1-6 & 16-21)
March 2, 2014: Readings
March 2, 2014: Sermon for Quinquagesima (Luke 18:31-43)
February 23, 2014: Readings
Febraury 23, 2014: Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 8:4-15)
February 16, 2014: Readings
Febraury 16, 2014: Sermon for Septuagesima (Matthew 20:1-16)
February 9, 2014: Readings
Febraury 9, 2014: Sermon for the Transfiguration of Our Lord (Matthew 17:1-9)
February 2, 2014: Readings
February 2, 2014: (Pastor Todd Wilken) Sermon for the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord (Luke 2:22-32 & 33-40)
January 26, 2014: Readings
January 26, 2014: Sermon for Third Sunday After the Epiphany (Matthew 8:1-13)
January 19, 2014: Readings
January 19, 2014: Sermon for Second Sunday After the Epiphany (John 2:1-11)
January 12, 2014: Readings
January 12, 2014: Sermon for The Baptism of Our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17)
January 5, 2014: Readings
January 5, 2014: Sermon for 2nd Sunday After Christmas (Matthew 2:13-23)
December 29, 2013: Readings
December 29, 2013: Sermon for 1st Sunday After Christmas (Luke 2:22-32 & 33-40)
December 25, 2013: Readings
December 25, 2013: Sermon for the Nativity of Our Lord (John 1:1-14 & 15-18)
December 22, 2013: Readings
December 22, 2013: Sermon For 4th Sunday in Advent (John 1:19-28)
December 15, 2013: Readings
December 15, 2013: Sermon For 3rd Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-10)
December 8, 2013: Readings
December 8, 2013: Sermon for 2nd Sunday in Advent (Luke 21:25-36)
December 1, 2013: Readings
December 1, 2013: Sermon for 1st Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-9)
November 24, 2013: Readings
November 24, 2013: Sermon for Last Sunday of the Church Year (Matthew 25:1-13)
November 17, 2013: Readings
November 17, 2013: Sermon for 25th Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 24:15-28)
November 10, 2013: Readings
November 10, 2013: Sermon for 24th Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 9:18-26)
November 3, 2013: Readings
November 3, 2013: Sermon for 23rd Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 22:15-22)
October 31, 2013: Readings
October 31, 2013: Sermon for the Feast of the Reformation (John 8:31-36)
October 27, 2013: Readings
October 27, 2013: Sermon for Twenty-second Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 18:21-35)
October 20, 2013: Readings
October 20, 2013: Sermon for Twenty-first Sunday After Trinity (John 4:46-54)
October 13, 2013: Readings
October 13, 2013: Sermon for Twentieth Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 22:1-14)
October 6, 2013: Readings
October 6, 2013: Sermon for Nineteeth Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 9:1-8)
September 29, 2013: Readings
September 29, 2013: Sermon for Saint Michael and All Angels (Luke 10:17-20)
September 22, 2013: Readings
September 22, 2013: Sermon for Seventeeth Sunday After Trinity (Luke 14:1-11)
September 15, 2013: Readings
September 15, 2013: Sermon for Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity
September 8, 2013: Readings
September 8, 2013: Sermon for Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 6:24-34)
September 1, 2013: Readings
September 1, 2013: Sermon for Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity (Luke 17:11-19)
August 25, 2013: Readings
August 25, 2013: Sermon for Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity
August 18, 2013: Readings
August 18, 2013: Sermon for Twelfth Sunday After Trinity (Mark 7:31-37)
August 11, 2013: Readings
August 11, 2013: Sermon for Eleventh Sunday After Trinity (Luke 18:9-14)
August 4, 2013: Readings
August 4, 2013: Sermon for Tenth Sunday After Trinit (Luke 19:41-48)
July 28, 2013: Readings
July 28, 2013: Sermon for Ninth Sunday After Trinity (Luke 16:1-9 & 10-13)
July 21, 2013: Readings
July 21, 2013: Sermon for Eighth Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 7:15-23)
July 14, 2013: Readings
July 14, 2013: Sermon for Seventh Sunday After Trinity
July 7, 2013: Readings
July 7, 2013: Sermon for Sixth Sunday After Trinity (Matthew 5:17-19 & 20-26)
June 30, 2013: Readings
June 30, 2013: Sermon for Fifth Sunday After Trinity (Luke 5:1-1)
June 23, 2013: Readings
June 23, 2013: Sermon for Fourth Sunday After Trinity (Luke 6:36-42)
June 16, 2013: Readings
June 16, 2013: Sermon for Third Sunday After Trinity (Luke 15:1-10)
June 9, 2013: Readings
June 9, 2013: Sermon for Second Sunday After Trinity (Luke 14:15-24)
June 2, 2013: Readings
June 2, 2013: Sermon for First Sunday After Trinity (Luke 16:19-31)
May 26, 2013: Readings
May 26, 2013: Sermon for Holy Trinity (John 3:1-15&16-17)
May 19, 2013: Readings
May 19, 2013: Sermon for Pentecost (John 14:23-31)
May 12, 2013: Readings
May 12, 2013: Sermon for Exaudi (John 15:26-16:4)
May 5, 2013: Readings
May 5, 2013: Sermon for Rogate (John 16:23-30 & 31-33)
April 28, 2013: Readings
April 28, 2013: Sermon for Cantate (John 16:5-15)
April 21, 2013: Readings
April 21, 2013: Sermon for Jubilate (John 16:16-22)
April 14, 2013: Readings
April 14, 2013: Sermon for Misericordias Domini (John 10:11-16)
April 7, 2013: Readings
April 7, 2013: Sermon for Quasi Modo Geniti (John 20:19-31)
Holy Week:
March 31, 2013: Readings
March 31, 2013: Sermon for Easter (Mark 16:1-8)
March 31, 2013: Son Rise Readings
March 31, 2013: Sermon for Easter Son Rise (John 20:1-18)
March 29, 2013: Readings
March 29, 2013: Sermon for Good Friday (John 19:1-42)
March 28, 2013: Readings
March 28, 2013: Sermon for Maundy Thursday (John 13:1-15 & 34-35)
March 24, 2013: Readings
March 24, 2013: Sermon for Palm Sunday (Matthew 27 & John 12)
March 17, 2013: Readings
March 17, 2013: Sermon for Judica (John 8:42-45 & 46-59)
March 10, 2013: Readings
March 10, 2013: Sermon for Laetare (John 6:1-15)
March 3, 2013: Readings
March 3, 2013: Sermon for Oculi (Luke 11:14-28)
February 24, 2013: Readings
February 24, 2013: Sermon for Reminiscere (Matthew 15:21-28)
February 17, 2013: Readings
February 17, 2013: Sermon for Invocabit (Matthew 4:1-11)
Ash Wednesday:
February 13, 2013: Readings
February 13, 2013: Sermon for Ash Wednesday (Joel 2:12-19)
February 10, 2013: Readings
February 10, 2013: Sermon for Quinquagesima (Luke:18:31-43)
February 3, 2013: Readings
February 3, 2013: Sermon for Sexagesima (Luke 8:4-15)
January 27, 2013: Readings
January 27, 2013: Sermon for Septuagesima (Matthew 20:1-16)
January 20, 2013: Readings
January 20, 2013: Sermon for Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9)
January 13, 2013: Readings
January 13, 2013: Sermon for the Baptism of Our Lord (Matthew 3:13-17)
January 6, 2013: Readings
January 6, 2013: Sermon for Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12)
December 30, 2012: Readings
December 30, 2012: Sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas (Luke 2:(22-32) 33-40)
Midnight Service:
December 24, 2012: Readings
December 24, 2012: Sermon for Christmas Eve Midnight (Luke 2:1-14 (15-20))
December 23, 2012: Readings
December 23, 2012: Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent (John 1:19-28)
December 16, 2012: Readings
December 16, 2012: Sermon for the Third Sunday in Advent (Matthew 11:2-10 (11))
December 9, 2012: Readings
December 9, 2012: Sermon for the Second Sunday in Advent (Luke 21:25-36)
December 2, 2012: Readings
December 2, 2012: Sermon for the First Sunday in Advent (Matthew 21:1-9)
November 25, 2012: Readings
November 25, 2012: God Provides-So You Are Prepared (Matthew 25:11-13)
A Service of Thanksgiving
November 18, 2012: Readings
November 18, 2012: Building on the Rock (Matthew 16:13-20)
November 18, 2012: Readings
November 18, 2012: No Need to Worry, God Leads His Sheep (Matthew 25:31-46)
November 11, 2012: Readings
November 11, 2012: ONLY God Creates Good Out of Bad (Matthew 24:15-28)
November 4, 2012 (The Installation of Rev. David Carver): Readings
November 4, 2012 (The Installation of Rev. David Carver): Servants and Stewards (1 Cor. 4: 1-2)
November 4, 2012: Readings
November 4, 2012: Lord, Thou Knowest All (Psalm 139:1-4)
October 28, 2012: Readings
October 28, 2012: If You "Abide" in My Word (John 8:3)
October 21, 2012: Readings
October 21, 2012: True Compassion Toward a Sinner (Matthew 18:21-22)
October 14, 2012: Readings
October 14, 2012: A Word for Your Ear (John 4:50)
October 7, 2012: Readings
October 7, 2012: A Wedding Reception of Higher Things (Matthew 22:2)
September 30, 2012: Readings
September 30, 2012: The Power of Angels (Luke 10:18)
September 23, 2012: Readings
September 23, 2012: True Compassion (Luke 7:13)
September 2, 2012: Readings
September 2, 2012: The Neighbor List: Who is on Yours? (Galatians 3:17 & Luke 10:29)
August 26, 2012: Readings
August 26, 2012: Jesus Fulfills the Prophets' Proclamations (Isaiah 29:18)
August 19, 2012: Readings
August 19, 2012: Coming Before God: How Are You Dressed? (Luke 18:14)
August 12, 2012: Readings
August 12, 2012: If Only You Had Known: (Luke 19:42)
August 5, 2012: Readings
August 5, 2012: Using First Article Gifts for Second and Third Article Blessings: (Luke 16:9)
July 29, 2012: Readings
July 29, 2012: Beware! (Matthew 7:15)
July 22, 2012: Readings
July 22, 2012: Blessed By Jesus (Mark 8:7)
July 15, 2012: Readings
July 15, 2012: Living Between Death & Life (Matthew 5 & Romans 6)
July 8, 2012: Readings
July 8, 2012: A Practical Lesson on Fishing (Luke 5:5)
June 17, 2012: Readings
June 17, 2012: Will You Be There?(Luke 14:17)
June 10, 2012: Readings
June 10, 2012: An Ongoing Love Story
June 3, 2012: Readings
June 3, 2012: Creation and New Creation: Act of God (John 3:27)
May 27, 2012: Readings
May 27, 2012: The Spirit Comes! (John 14:26-27)
May 20, 2012: Readings
May 20, 2012: He Will Bear Witness About Me! (John 15:26)
May 13, 2012: Readings
May 13, 2012: Why Fiery Serpents? (Numbers 21:4-9)
May 6, 2012: Readings
May 6, 2012: A New Song (Isaiah :12:5)
April 22, 2012: Readings
April 22, 2012: THE Good Shepherd (John:10, 11 & 14)
April 15, 2012: Readings
April 15, 2012: Written That You May Believe (John 20:30-31)
April 8, 2012: Readings
April 8, 2012: Christ and the New Creation (Mark 16:6-7)
Holy Week
April 6, 2012: Readings
April 6, 2012: The WORD (John 1)
April 5, 2012: Readings
April 5, 2012: WWJD (Exodus 12 & 1 Corinthians 11)
April 1, 2012: Readings
April 1, 2012: WWJD (Philippians 2:5)
March 25, 2012: Readings
March 25, 2012: Judge Me, O God! (Genesis 22 & John 8:42)
March 18, 2012: Readings
March 18, 2012: 2 Recipies for Church Growth! (Acts 2.42 & John 6.14)
March 11, 2012: Readings.mp3
March 11, 2012: Are Your Eyes Focused on HIM? The Kingdom is Come Among You (Luke 11.20)
March 4, 2012: Readings
March 4, 2012: Reconnections! (Romans 5.1-2)
February, 26 2012: Readings.mp3
February, 26 2012: Satan's Same Old Same Old (Matthew 4 & Genesis 3)
February, 19 2012: Readings
February, 19 2012: Speaking with the Tongue of an Angel (1 Corinthians 13.1)
January, 29 2012: Readings
January, 29 2012: When Mountains Collide (Matthew 17.1-5)
January, 22 2012: Readings
January, 22 2012: Guest Preacher Rev. Tom Omolo Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya
January, 8 2012: Readings
January, 8 2012: My Beloved Son! (Matthew 3.17)
January, 1 2012: Readings
January, 1 2012: The Name Goes On
December, 25 2011: Readings (from cassette)
December, 25 2011: From Creator to Creature - The Word Became Flesh (from cassette)
December, 18 2011: Readings
December, 18 2011: Rejoice I Say! And I'll Say it Again (Philippians 4.4)
December, 11 2011: Readings
December, 11 2011: The Lord Still Comes to His People (1 Corinthians 4.5)
December, 4 2011: Readings
December, 4 2011: Welcome One Another (Romans 15.7)
November 27, 2011: Readings
November 27, 2011: What Time Is It? Time to LOVE! (Romans 13.10-11)
November 20, 2011: Readings
November 20, 2011: Awake or Asleep, we Live with Him! (1 Thess 5.9-11)
November 13, 2011: Readings
November 13, 2011: Where is the Christ? (2 Peter 3.3-4 & Matthew 24.4-5)
November 6, 2011: Readings
November 6, 2011: Blessed are the "Saints"? (Matthew 5.11-12)
October 30, 2011: Readings
October 30, 2011: Dangers and Sorrows Everywhere! (John 8.31.36)
October 23, 2011: Readings
October 23, 2011: God in the Witness Box (Matthew 22.18.)
October 16, 2011: Readings
October 16, 2011: And Which Servant are You? (Matthew 18.35)
October 9, 2011: Readings
October 9, 2011: Thy Strong Word Did...(John 4.50)
October 2, 2011: Readings
October 2, 2011: The man Who Wore the Wrong Garment (Matthew 22.12)
September 25, 2011: Readings
September 25, 2011: A New Perspective! (Luke 14.27)
September 18, 2011: Readings
September 18, 2011: Showing Mercy to the Neighbor! (Luke 10.23)
September 11, 2011: Readings
September 11, 2011: For the Joy of Doing! (Hebrews 12.1-2)
September 4, 2011: Readings
September 4, 2011: No Smoke Without A Fire...! (Emphesians 2.10)
August 28, 2011: Readings
August 28, 2011: What Brings You To Tears? (Luke 19.41)
August 21, 2011: Readings
August 21, 2011: One That is Merciful! (2 Samuel 22.21)
July 10, 2011: Readings
July 10, 2011: One Sinner at a Time!
June 19, 2011: Readings
June 19, 2011: Still Confessing the Triune God (John 3:12-15)
June 12, 2011: Readings
June 12, 2011: Gifted with Languages (Genesis 11) - Rev. C.J. Armstrong
June 5, 2011: Readings
June 5, 2011: Lord Jesus Be Our Guest (John 15:26-16)
May 29, 2011: Readings
May 29, 2011: Lord Teach Us How to Pray (John 16:24)
May 22, 2011: Readings
May 22, 2011: A New Song: For He Has Done Marvelous Things (John 16)
May 15, 2011: Readings
May 15, 2011: Too Good to be True? (Isaiah 40:27)
May 8, 2011: Readings
May 8, 2011: He is Still the Good Shepherd (Ezekiel 34:11-16)
May 1, 2011: Readings
May 1, 2011: The Gift Continues (John 20:19)
Holy Week Sermons
April 24, 2011: Readings
April 24, 2011: Make a Joyful Noise! (Mark 16:6-8)
April 22, 2011: Readings
April 22, 2011: For You (Isaiah 53)
April 21, 2011: Readings
April 21, 2011: The Lamb that Points to Christ (Exodus 12-13
April 17, 2011: Readings
April 17, 2011: (Rev. Gaub) Behold Your King (Mathew 21:1-9)
April 10, 2011: Readings
April 10, 2011: Chasing After Righteousness (Isaiah 51:1-6)
April 6, 2011: Readings
April 6, 2011: Disciples Offended
April 3, 2011: Readings
April 3, 2011: Rest and Refreshment (John 6:1-15)
March 27, 2011: Readings
March 27, 2011: You Are His Miracle
March 23, 2011: Readings
March 23, 2011: Caiaphas: Religious Leader
March 20, 2011: Readings
March 20, 2011: Remember O Lord Your Mercy! (Gen 32:30)
March 13, 2011: Readings
March 13, 2011: He Who by a Tree Once Overcame...be Overcome! (Genesis 3 & Matthew 4)
March 9, 2011: Readings
March 9, 2011: Return To Me With All Your Heart! (Joel 2:12)
February 6, 2011: Readings
February 6, 2011: What Will You Wear? (Colossians 3:16)
January 30, 2011: Readings
January 30, 2011: Suffering: In This Life/InContext (Romans 8:18)
January 23, 2011: Readings
January 23, 2011: Wash and Be Clean (2 Kings 5:14)